Return or Cancel Purchase
You may cancel any unintentional purchase made with V-Bucks. Cancel Purchase is available until you equip or use your purchase during gameplay. Only Items purchased within the last 24 hours are eligible for Cancel Purchase.
For more info see
You have no items eligible for a refund.
Purchases of bundles containing overlapping items must be Returned or Canceled on a purchase-by-purchase basis. Returning any or all of these purchases will only use 1 Return Ticket.
0 return tickets available
Once a Return Ticket is used, your Return Ticket refresh date is 365 days following the most recent ticket you received (up to a maximum of 3 Return Tickets).
Items directly purchased for money are not eligible for returns through Fortnite Cancel Purchase or Return Tickets. You may be able to get a refund through your purchase platform.
For more information please visit