Unreleased items in Fortnite Creative
Hey all,
We regularly receive questions about the expected arrival of more Fortnite items and props in Creative. While we are actively working to bring new content into Creative each update, we don't always bring all content available in other game modes into Creative.
Process for Adding Content to Creative
Whenever we add new content to Fortnite we consider whether it can be added to Creative. Some content that we license from others (think third-party TV shows, movies, music, games, etc.) are usually subject to license restrictions. In general, you should not expect licensed content within Fortnite Creative - if this changes at any point we’ll communicate that to you.
Licensed content aside, when Battle Royale receives new content updates, we see you asking why the content doesn’t release in Creative at the same time. Whenever possible, we look for opportunities to adapt content to be usable in Fortnite Creative, but first we must test and validate that content. New items can bring bugs that negatively impact Fortnite Creative useability and performance, and can potentially create issues for existing and in-development Creator islands.
Note: Any attempts to “discover” or “create” a workaround to use items that are not officially added by Epic into Creative will result in account action against the persons who made the exploit possible. These items are not enabled because they create a broken and frustrating experience for players.
This doesn’t mean you should stop asking for the stuff you want. Whenever possible, we will work to bring more content into Fortnite Creative, and we encourage you to keep letting us know what you want to see added.