Fortography Results: Some of the Lantography 2023 Screenshots that Shined the Brightest
Thanks for sharing the light!
To help celebrate Lantern Fest 2023, we asked you to capture screenshots featuring the in-game lanterns that were hanging around the Battle Royale Island. Below are some of our favorite Lantography shots from the community.
Each submitter of the below screenshots will receive a code for the Cameo Needs Loot! Emoticon via Twitter direct message. These winners will need to set their direct messages to “Open” on Twitter to receive a message containing the code from the @FortniteME Twitter account.
Thanks again for sharing the light in Lantern Fest 2023!
To help celebrate Lantern Fest 2023, we asked you to capture screenshots featuring the in-game lanterns that were hanging around the Battle Royale Island. Below are some of our favorite Lantography shots from the community.
Each submitter of the below screenshots will receive a code for the Cameo Needs Loot! Emoticon via Twitter direct message. These winners will need to set their direct messages to “Open” on Twitter to receive a message containing the code from the @FortniteME Twitter account.
A galaxy of light. Photo by @ColebowlMC.
Light up the dance floor. Photo by @AbadiQadi.
Lantern Fest friendship. Photo by @Its_Stug.
Lantern Fest flair. Photo by @kraigbowl.
Magical illumination. Photo by @jondearlol.
A big fan of Lantern Fest. Photo by @imwdkimwdk.
No shadow without light. Photo by @AndreyVAnt.
Hang the light. Photo by @Shanyshdw.
A Lantern Fest festivity. Photo by @Zyztmog.
A bright day. Photo by @DARTHWARGOD.
Focus on the light. Photo by @1raymj.
We ❤ Lantern Fest. Photo by @caleb2075210.
Llama up the night. Photo by @La_Flame2000.
Lantern Fest… ival. Photo by @thebritenite.
A light look out the window. Photo by @YoItsZylo.
Thanks again for sharing the light in Lantern Fest 2023!