KAWSPEELY Slips onto the Scene in Fortnite

The Fortnite Team

No bones to pick, just to peel back.

Available in the Item Shop starting July 2, 2022, at 8 PM ET, Peely blends with KAWS to create the KAWSPEELY Outfit! This potassified connoisseur will be available alongside a KAWS Back Bling, Glider, and Wrap. Also, the KAWS Skeleton Outfit will rise again in the Shop!

KAWSPEELY Outfit and Accessories

Fortnite KAWSPEELY Outfit, default KAWS COMPANION Back Bling, FAR FROM HOME Glider, and RIPE ON TIME Wrap

Everyone needs someone who’s always there for them — take KAWSPEELY’s inspiration with you by wearing the KAWS COMPANION Back Bling (included with the KAWSPEELY Outfit). There for you all times of the day, this Back Bling comes with the GREY DAYS and NOIR NIGHTS Styles in addition to the default Style.

Fortnite KAWS COMPANION Back Bling default Style, GREY DAYS Style, and NOIR NIGHTS Style

You’ve seen him in art museums, public installations, as a Back Bling above, and now descending from the Battle Bus! Bring fear from above with the FAR FROM HOME Glider, a balloonified KAWS COMPANION to cause opponents unease. Additionally, give your gear an ap-peel-ing look with the RIPE ON TIME Wrap.

KAWS Skeleton Returns

Use the above accessories with the new KAWSPEELY Outfit, or with the KAWS Skeleton Outfit that’s returning to the Item Shop! KAWS Skeleton comes with four colors: green, pink, bone-color, and orange.

Fortnite KAWS Skeleton Outfit


KAWS may be “FAR FROM HOME” on the Island, but he’s right at home at a certain creator-made experience.

Earlier this year, BeyondCreative with the support of Alliance Studios launched the KAWS & Serpentine Hub. At this recreation of London’s Serpentine North Gallery, an art gallery known for presenting boundary-pushing contemporary art, you can find the “KAWS NEW FICTION” art exhibit. As it did in London, this exhibit showcases paintings and sculptures — as well as augmented reality artworks developed with Acute Art — by KAWS.


Players can enter the KAWS & Serpentine Hub by inputting the Island code 9441-7852-6686. Enter as KAWSPEELY or KAWS Skeleton (or any Outfit!) and surround yourself with KAWS art.