- Added Score Manager device.
- This device provides score to the player that activates it. It can only be activated via its receivers - it cannot be interacted with directly by players.
- Score Value
- Determines the amount of score awarded the first time the device is activated during a game.
- -200, -100, -50 , -35, -20, -15, -10, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 35, 50, 100, 200 (Default: 0).
- Score Award Type: Determines what effect the device has on the activating player’s score.
- Add, Subtract, Set, None (Default: Add).
- Add and Subtract - Adjust the player’s current score.
- Set - Forces the player’s current score to the required amount, ignoring any existing score.
- None - does not change the player’s current score, making the device a counter.
- Team
- Any, 1-16 (Default: Any).
- Times Can Trigger
- Determines how many times the device can be triggered before it stops responding. This value can still be reset via the Reset When Receiving From receiver even after the limit has been reached.
- Infinite, 1-10 (Default: Infinite).
- Score Increment
- Each subsequent time the device is triggered after the first, the amount of score to be awarded will be adjusted by this amount. This can be utilized to create increasing or decreasing reward structures.
- -200, -100, -50 , -35, -20, -15, -10, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 35, 50, 100, 200 (Default: 0).
- Minimum Score
- This determines the minimum value that the score award can be reduced to by the Score Increment option. The actual score awarded will never be less than this value, even if the initial Score Value begins lower.
- -999, -500, -400, -300, -200, -100, -50 , -35, -20, -15, -10, -5, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 35, 50, 100, 200 (Default: -999).
- Maximum Score
- This determines the maximum value that the score award can be raised to by the Score Increment option. The actual score awarded will never be greater than this value, even if the initial Score Value begins higher.
- -200, -100, -50 , -35, -20, -15, -10, -5, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, 10, 15, 20, 35, 50, 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 999 (Default: 999).
- Enabled: Determines when the device is enabled. When Disabled, the device cannot be activated by its receivers.
- Disabled, Enabled, Warmup Only, Gameplay Only (Default: Enabled).
- Visible In Game: Off, On (Default: Off).
- Transmit On Score
- When the device awards this amount of score it will transmit.
- -200, -100, -50 , -35, -20, -15, -10, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 10, 15, 20, 35, 50, 100, 200 (Default: 0).
- Receivers:
- Activate When Receiving From: Awards score to the activating player when receiving a signal on the selected channel.
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Enable When Receiving From
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Disable When Receiving From
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Reset When Receiving From
- On receiving a signal from the selected channel, the device will be Enabled, the score award value will be reset to the value specified in the Score Value option and the number of times triggered will be reset to 0.
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Increment When Receiving From
- Causes the current score award value to be adjusted by the Score Increment value without actually awarding any score to the activating player.
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Transmitters:
- On Max Triggers Transmit To
- When the device has been triggered the number of times specified by the Times Can Trigger option, send a signal on the selected channel.
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- On Score Output Transmit To
- When the score specified in Transmit on Score is awarded to a player, send a signal on the selected channel.
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Added Speaker Device.
- Plays audio to everyone nearby when triggered.
- Speaker Audio: Selects which audio sample to play.
- Off, Accent A, Accent B, Accent C, Bump A, Bump B, End A, End B, Failure A, Failure B, Flashback, Game Over, Magic, Mystery A, Mystery B, Mystery C, Neutral, Positive, Reward A, Reward B, Scare A, Scare B, Success A, Success B, Success C, Surprise A, Surprise B, Threat, Transition A, Transition B, Unlock, Wash (Default: Accent A).
- Volume: Very Low, Low, Medium, Loud, Very Loud (Default: Medium).
- Attenuation: Determines how far the sound will travel.
- Close, Medium, Far, Very Far, Island (Default: Medium). Island - the sound can be heard anywhere on the map.
- Retrigger Behaviour: Determines what should happen if the device is triggered again while a sound is already playing.
- Ignore, Restart (Default: Ignore).
- Enabled: Determines when the device is enabled. When Disabled, the device cannot be activated by its receivers.
- Disabled, Enabled, Warmup Only, Gameplay Only (Default: Enabled).
- Activate on Hit: Selects whether the device can be activated by applying damage to it.
- Visible In Game: Off, On (Default: Off).
- Receivers:
- Activate When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Enable When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Disable When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Added HUD Message Device.
- This device allows you to send text messages to players through the HUD in a variety of styles. Messages can be timed or activated via triggers and receivers. Only one message can be on-screen at a time, regardless of placement.
- Message
- Text box with 80 character limit.
- Team
- All, 1-16 (Default: All).
- Time From Round Start
- The message will be displayed after the specified amount of time has elapsed since game start.
- Off, 1-10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 25 seconds, 30 seconds, 40 seconds, 50 Seconds; 1 minute, 2 minutes, 3 minutes, 4 minutes, 5 minutes (Default: 10 seconds).
- Display Time
- Determines how long the message will remain on-screen.
- 1-5 seconds, 10 seconds, 15 seconds, 20 seconds, 25 seconds, 30 seconds, 40 seconds, 50 seconds, 60 seconds, Permanent (Default: 5 seconds).
- Text Style
- Default, Small, Large, Bold, Extra Large, Blue, Bold Blue, Orange, Bold Orange, Red, Red Outline (Default: Default).
- Message Type
- Determines the importance level of the message. Default messages will queue behind other messages. Critical messages will be displayed immediately.
- Default, Critical (Default: Default).
- Play Sound
- Placement
- Selects the area of the screen in which the message will be displayed.
- Bottom Center, Top Center, Center Right (Default: Bottom Center).
- Visibility During Game
- Visible, Hidden (Default: Hidden).
- Receivers
- Show When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Hide When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Made a number of changes to the Advanced Storm Controller device.
- Overall we have tried to simplify the use of the Advanced Storm Controller and Advanced Storm Beacons to make it easier to generate custom storms.
- Added Generate Storm on Game Start
- Should the Storm start as soon as the game begins?
- Added Generate Storm When Receiving From
- Generates the Storm on receiving a signal from the selected channel.
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Added Destroy Storm When Receiving From
- Disables the Storm controller, removing the Storm immediately on receiving a signal from the selected channel.
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Added When Phase Ended Transmit On
- Sends a signal on the selected channel at the end of each Storm phase.
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Removed Starting Phase and Late Phases Move options - These caused confusion when being used with the Storm Beacons. Intent is that Storm Beacons will be used to configure late Storm phases.
- Made a number of changes to the Advanced Storm Beacon device.
- Removed “Don't Override” value from all options - all values must now be specifically set and defaults have been added. This was done to reduce confusion on how Storm Beacons worked with the Storm Device.
- Removed “None” value from the Movement Behavior option.
- Choose if the Storm will move to this Beacon or randomly.
- Added additional value to End Radius option: 0m.
- Added new option to Item Spawner, Item Spawn Plate and Capture Item Spawner devices.
- When Item Picked Up Transmit On
- No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Added additional values to Duration option for Timer device
- 6 minutes, 7 minutes, 8 minutes, 9 minutes, 11 minutes, 12 minutes, 13 minutes, 14 minutes.
- Added a number of options to the Radio device.
- Play During Pregame: No, Yes (Default: No).
- Play During Warmup: No, Yes (Default: No).
- Play During Gameplay: No, Yes (Default: No).
- Play During Round End: No, Yes (Default: No).
- Play During Game End: No, Yes (Default: No).
- Play When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Stop When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Added a number of options to the Explosive Device.
- Visible During Game: On, Off (Default: On).
- Collision During Game: On, Off (Default: On).
- Collide Against: All, Only Weapons (Default: All).
- When Exploded Transmit On: No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Turn On Visibility When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Turn Off Visibility When Receiving From: No Channel, 1-32 (Default: No Channel).
- Added additional values to Time to Detonation from Game Start option: 11 minutes, 13 minutes, 14 minutes.
- Added options to the Team Settings & Inventory device.
- End Round When Received From: Ends the current round with this team being the winner.
- When Team is Eliminated Transmit On: Transmits when the team associated with this team settings device is eliminated.
- Removed option from the Objective Device.
- Collision During Game: When Visible
- This was causing networking performance issues.
Bug Fixes
- Settings on certain devices on Xbox One now save correctly (including Player Spawn, Billboard and Explosive Device).
- Fixed an issue where Billboard device memory cost increased to 200.
- The Speed Boost device now affects the B.R.U.T.E.
- Initial storm phase will now spawn at the Advanced Storm Controller device location.
- Fixed an issue where the Storm Controllers’ Generate Storm When Receiving From options would reset existing storms.
- Ambient sound effects from the Advanced Storm Beacon device are no longer audible during games.
- Players will not be able to use weapons after respawning inside an active Weapon-Free Zone.
- Fixed an issue where Collectibles would block interaction with other actors when nearby.
- Barrier device frames no longer show up while far away from players.
- Barrier devices will now block players in the pre-game lobby.
- Fixed an issue where the Team Settings & Inventory device would incorrectly send a team elimination signal when the team wasn't eliminated.
- The Retro camera filter renders properly on PlayStation 4 or Xbox One, as well as other rendering artifacts on mobile devices.
- The Creature Spawner will display descriptions when cycling through customization options.
UI + Social
- Building quick bar will now be hidden and building hotkeys disabled if Allow Building option in the Game Settings menu is set to Off.
- Added “Duplicate” button to the Game Creation menu to allow players to create a quick duplicate of an existing island.
Bug Fixes
- The screen will not black out when using the B.R.U.T.E. after having been eliminated.
- Fixed an issue with the score widget in the HUD not tracking player/team standings correctly.
- Text fields can now be selected on Playstation 4 and Switch.
- Fixed the Creative-mode scoreboard menu in replays to show the buttons to close it or leave the match.