v4.3 Content Update

Leap to Greatness.

Catch Some Air,

Boost your carts, launch off walls, or leap to great heights with Battle Royales latest addition, the Bouncer Trap.

Save the World gets shiny new Heroes as Diecast Jonesy and Chromium Ramirez make their debut. Unlock these new additions in the Event Store.

Bouncer Trap (Battle Royale)
The sky is the limit. Hop on the new Bouncer trap and send friend or foe soaring!



Chrome Commandos (Save the World)
Shiny! Diecast Jonsey and Chromium Ramirez are now available in the Save the World Event Store.




Known Issues

  • Wanting to track the top community issues? Head over to our Fortnite | Community Issues Trello board here.

Battle Royale


One of our goals for Fortnite is to have a number of ways to play the game and be successful. We’ve identified some strategies that are overly dominant and we’ll be making some adjustments today. Going forward we’ll continue to monitor how we can best support that gameplay variety.

Here are some of the immediate changes coming today!


For a while we felt that Shotguns promoted healthy close quarter gameplay, however with the recent equip time changes, Shotguns are being used more often than we like. It's something we've been keeping an eye on, but broadly speaking we feel Shotguns are a little too strong in their current state. As a result, we’re making these adjustments:

  • Pump Shotgun
    • Headshot multiplier reduced from 2.5 to 2.0
    • Damage reduced from 90/95 to 80/85
  • Tactical Shotgun
    • Headshot multiplier reduced from 2.5 to 2.0

Shotgun consistency across the board is also something we're looking into and aim to improve. We want to make it more apparent when you hit or miss a shot. In addition to that, making sure the accuracy is more consistent and improving other odd behaviors with the weapon is a top priority. We've identified a number of issues that we're currently working on solving in the near future.


We made a large change to traps a few weeks ago to test decreasing damage from 125 to 75. This was done in an effort to better understand the impact traps have throughout a match. The change sparked a great deal of excellent discussion about traps and we are going to lean more into improving their effectiveness. We want this to add more ways for you to be potent in combat. Here’s the change:

  • Trap Damage increased from 75 to 150


The Jetpack was introduced as a Limited Time Item. You can learn more on the goals of Limited Time Items as a concept in this post.

We will be vaulting the Jetpack at 8am on Monday, June 11. Get in your last matches before then! We may bring back the Jetpack at a future date with some improvements and new changes.

Weapons + Items

  • Bouncer trap added.
    • Rare trap.
    • Drops in stacks of 3 in Treasure Chests, Supply Drops, Supply Llamas or floor loot.
    • Can be placed on floors and walls.
    • Provides a jump boost upward or in a direction.

Building Adjustments
We are making the following changes to address a few top concerns, including: Rocket Launcher and Grenade Launcher dominance in the late game, Minigun effectiveness, and overall resource availability. We will be closely monitoring these changes when they are live to assess the impact and re-adjust as necessary.

  • Supply Llama
    • Decreased material stacks from 500 to 200 per resource.
    • Explosive Ammo removed.
  • Damage fall-off vs. structures removed for Rifles, SMGs, Pistols, and LMGs.
  • Floor loot materials adjusted
    • Material drop chances in floor loot reduced by 33%.
    • Material stack sizes in floor loot reduced by 33%.
  • Ammo availability adjusted
    • Light Ammo stack sizes increased from 12 to 18.
    • Explosive Ammo availability decreased 50%.
  • Minigun adjusted
    • Accuracy increased by 10%.
    • Light Ammo spawn increased from 60 to 90.
    • Damage against structures increased from 25 to 30.
  • C4 structure explosion radius increased from 400 to 600.
  • Teams of 20 Storm Damage per tick adjusted.
    • Storm circle 1 damage per tick decreased from 10 to 1.
    • Storm circle 2 damage per tick decreased from 10 to 2.
    • Storm circle 3 damage per tick decreased from 10 to 4.
    • Storm circle 4 damage per tick decreased from 10 to 8.

Save The World


  • Diecast Jonesy
    • New Commando Hero 
    • Available in the Event Store Wed, June 6 at 8pm ET.
  • Chromium Ramirez
    • New Commando Hero
    • Available in the Event Store Wed, June 6 at 8pm ET.

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